Category Archives: Home Workouts

The Gym in What?

Girl Language! Many women are clueless when it comes to fitness and that’s totally normal! That’s why I’m here to help you learn and evolve into your confident, fit selves! I’m well aware that there is a huge scope when it comes to athletic abilities in women, so I will be providing heath and fitness tips for each and every type!

Typically, this blog will target two different ‘fit levels’: beginner and advanced. For each level, I will provide ‘clean’ eating recipes and tips, exercise videos, and daily motivation. This way, each and every one of you will have a variety of ‘fit tools’ to keep you motivated and healthy!

For the beginners, I will be posting home workouts as I know many women are intimidated by the gym – totally understandable! The beginner videos and posts will include a rundown of each exercise and perfectly comprehensible explanations of what muscle the exercise strengthens and how it should feel when being executed. The goal is to build confidence, so what I would hope to do is eventually introduce many of the ‘home workout women’ to the gym, so I will be posting videos about exercise equipment – what it is, where it is, and how to use it! The clean eating posts for the beginners will explain why clean eating is best for your body, when and what you should eat, and how to stay on track.

For the more advanced readers, I will be posting ‘bootcamp’ type workouts in various locations as well as bodybuilding workouts. I will also be reviewing workouts I find on to inform you what I find effective in each. New and challenging exercises will be introduced regularly for you to incorporate into your workout to keep things changing! In regard to clean eating, I will provide you with countless recipes and tips to keep your clean diet fresh!

As for me, I should probably introduce myself, huh? My name is Ashley! I’ve been an athlete my entire life. I was a level 10 gymnast before the age of thirteen and now I train as a bikini competitor. I had horrible eating habits my entire life even though both of my parents were bodybuilders, so when I quit gymnastics in high school, I thought it was alright to eat the same things I ate when I trained for six hours a day. Big mistake! I gained a lot of weight and was unhappy with my body for a few years. In college, I began to think about a career in bodybuilding and started to eat clean and exercise again. I felt energized simply from feeding my body healthy foods and gained more confidence when I began seeing results week by week when coupled with exercise. I kept at it and now it’s a lifestyle, not a diet! They say ‘it takes sixty-six days to make something a habit’. Why not start today?

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